Monday, August 20, 2018

Powerfull Steps to Self-love


   Self-love is really important for your mind,body,and soul. If you don't love yourself you will not be able to love others. Do you appreciate yourself? Is your mind kind to your body and soul? According to some studies ,here is my version of powerful steps to self-love.

   First , and the most important thing from all of this is to forgive yourself. You have to accept the fact that you are not perfect and no one is perfect ,before you can truly accept yourself. You also should be less hard on yourself when you make a mistake. All you did in the past was the "old you". You need to think that you're a new person now and you're trying to be better.

   You might also want to practice your mindfulness you could start with having an open, curious, non-judging attitude with negative past stories about yourself. You ought to try meditation ,meditating can help you more chill and grateful.

   Practice good self-care, you could start practice good self-care from a few little things. Exercise,proper sleep,eat well,and healthy social interaction. Help someone carry a bag, open a door, or pick up an extra carton of milk for a neighbor could also keep you to be a better person.

   These means to reach self-love you should start with a simplest things. Many people are too grandiose achieve self-love. But instead, they'll never truly understand how to really love them self.

Reading list :
• Self-love must come first : how to love yourself

•How to be mindful by wikiHow

•8 Powerful Steps to Self-love by Melanie Greenberg Ph D.

•A seven-steps prescription for self-love by Deborah Khosahaba Psy.D

•45 simple self-care practices for a healthy mind,body,&soul by Hlen Bard

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